Child Safeguarding


Frontier Jiu Jitsu is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all its members, and ensuring the highest standards of child protection. This Child Safeguarding Policy outlines the measures and procedures in place to ensure the well-being and protection of children participating in our club activities.

Policy Statement

Frontier recognizes its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children and young people who are involved in our Brazilian jiu-jitsu programs. We aim to create an environment where children feel safe, respected, and valued while enjoying the benefits of participating in martial arts.

Child Safeguarding Officer

Frontier will designate a responsible and trained Child Safeguarding Officer to oversee the implementation of this policy. The Officer will act as a point of contact for any concerns or reports related to child safeguarding within the club.

Coaches and Staff

Frontier will ensure that all classes involving children or mixed age groups with children present are supervised by a qualified coach who has undergone a comprehensive recruitment process. This process includes reference checks and an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Furthermore, supervising coaches will be required to hold up to date certification in Child Safeguarding and First Aid.

Code of Conduct

Frontier will establish and communicate a clear Code of Conduct for all individuals involved in the club, emphasizing appropriate behaviour, language, and interactions with children. Any breaches of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action.

Reporting Procedures

Frontier will establish clear and accessible reporting procedures for anyone who has concerns about the well-being or safety of a child within the club. All concerns will be addressed promptly and confidentially by the designated Child Safeguarding Officer.

Review and Monitoring

This Child Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with any changes in legislation. The club will also monitor its implementation and make any necessary adjustments to maintain the highest standards of child protection.

By adhering to this Child Safeguarding Policy, Frontier aims to create a safe and enjoyable environment where children can develop their martial arts skills while feeling secure and protected.